Monday , 10 March 2025
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Dew-Drops of Prana

Radiant Sun-Heart – Dew-Drops of Prana

When a child is born into the world – into its new home – it is ready, or pre-intentioned, to love and be loved. The natural world is sustained and has continuity through the inherent power of the loving bond which inspires both mother and child. For the child, love is the force which builds the structures of its worldly identity. Where there is a lack of love there is a weakness in the structure and so there is less protection of its central heart (the little hearth in the home of the persona) from the elements of chaos. Nelson Mandela famously wrote:

No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background or his religion. People learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.” Nelson Mandela Long Walk to Freedom, 1995

In this moment of birth there is a link to the subtle realms of Spirit and of Soul as though a door opens between the worlds.

The birth of a new child is generally a magical moment for those involved. There is a new presence in the world which before was not known to exist. In this moment of birth there is a link to the subtle realms of Spirit and of Soul as though a door opens between the worlds. And we are reminded, however briefly, of the magical power of Life that is vitally greater than the more ordinary, worldly experience. The little body that the mother brings forth is the lifelong home of the indwelling presence who is her child.  And in this little home the hearth, whose fire warms and distributes sustenance, is the heart.

Just as the sun is the heart of the system, the human heart is the sun of the organism. There are many sun-hearts, and the Universe represents a system of hearts; that is why the cult of Light is the cult of the heart. To understand this abstractly means to leave the heart out in the cold; but as soon as the Light of the sun-heart comes alive, the need for the magnet’s warmth will make it shine forth like a true sun. It has been said: ‘Let your heart lead you in crossing Santana.’ That is how you can make the concept of the heart resistant to the cold. You can look upon the rhythm of the heart as the rhythm of life. The Teaching about the Heart is as bright as the sun, and the warmth of the heart speeds as swiftly as a sunbeam. Everyone has felt astonishment at how a ray of the rising sun can instantly insulate everything from the cold. The heart can do the very same thing!

I am speaking of the warmth of the heart now that it is especially necessary. A thought surging forth in aspiration sets space on fire, while the warmth of the heart is a constant hearth. Courage dwells in the warmth of the heart—remember this! The manifestation of the dark forces acts like frost on a sown field. Only the heart’s warmth provides a radiant shield. But just as we conduct tests on light waves with delicate care, we should approach the heart with caution and solicitude.” Heart, sloca 62

Where is the safe ground on which to build our home in the world, to construct a sturdy structure to protect our future living from dissolving into chaos? One could as well ask: where does our consciousness dwell? Does it live close to the living hearth of finer, more expansive and inclusive thought, where the phantoms of small and petty desires evaporate into the mists of time?

…when a new idea is born it brings a new and magnetic centre into the realm of the known

Just as the birth of a child brings a new home and hearth for a soul into the world, so when a new idea is born it brings a new and magnetic centre into the realm of the known, familiar context (or “home”) in which we live, and from which we derive identity, place and values. When this new thought is an extension of the known – of the immediate family of ideas – it becomes a new part of the existing structure of our familiar “home”. However, when an entirely new idea is born, unrelated to our familiar milieu (and identities derived from it) it can cause confusion, disturbance, reaction and even condemnation and disparagement. It challenges the foundations on which we have constructed our sense of “home”.

If we observe current world events we may discover the impact of a completely new civilisation of the living Heart

If we observe current world events we may discover the impact of a completely new civilisation of the living Heart as it emerges through the dissolution of many previous structures built on the concept of separation and competition for sustenance of our physical forms, desires and attachments. A view of the world as a purely material construct limits and imprisons one inside a sense of identity as though we were the form rather than the indwelling presence or its soul, its heart. The threat of losing the form identity (however illusory it may be) inspires fear and reaction, and a deeper desire to hold on to all that is known which has, until this time, given one a sense of worth and purpose.

As we explore the way of the heart, we contribute to that magnetic pull that draws the New World into being.

We might consider what new home and what new hearth is being built through the fading away of these illusions. What finer more secure heights are we now building upon? And what turmoil are we leaving behind in the shadows of the valley of death as we discover that Life is, at its core, eternal and unquenchable?  As we explore the way of the heart, we contribute to that magnetic pull that draws the New World into being. Though long foretold, perhaps now, as world crises seem to deepen, we are beginning to see the rising vibratory rate of our combined human aspiration reaching to a height where it can begin to resonate with and invoke that most refined realm, the Kingdom of Souls and of the Christ who is the very heart of Love at its central hearth.

The Tibetan Master explained to a disciple:

Disciples need to grasp the fact that they, themselves, have to draw the Ashram to them, symbolically speaking, by the potency of their own magnetic radiation.” Discipleship in the New Age II, page 540

…those birthing a new future do so with increasing clarity of vision and depth of heart.

This must be done in the midst of turmoil as those attached to the old worldview cling to it with increasing desperation and those birthing a new future do so with increasing clarity of vision and depth of heart.

The Tibetan explains:

The astral plane is in a great state of turmoil today… This turmoil is caused by an increasing descent of the Christ energy from the buddhic plane into the astral plane—a necessary aggregation of spiritual forces of a strength sufficient to create a reservoir of this energy of which the Hierarchy can avail itself as it proceeds towards externalisation. Of that force (which is astral-buddhic in nature) disciples… can take advantage. It carries the qualities of ‘embodied light,’ sensitivity to the new incoming vibration, and protective pliancy… It can only be used by working disciples; therefore work, my brother, and let that penetrating energy find a channel through you.” Discipleship in the New Age II, page 749

The new may be anchored in concept on the mental plane – in the mind – but the structure and form of its true home is built through the living power of the heart which is the doorway for higher sensitivity, for buddhi. The heart is sensitive to, beats with and transmits the Life at the core of every “home”. It is where the breath of Spirit is translated into real, living expression in the world.

As the rising tide of the heart sweeps in, may we be its conduit so that our children build from it a secure worldly home with love as its central hearth.

In the midst of chaotic transitional forces our expanding heart-vision is seeing through past limitations to discern their shortfall in proportions and values, and we are beginning to seek ways to avert the consequent inequalities in the right balance of life and the living of it into expression on our beautiful planet. In so doing, we are helping to give birth to a new generation of care-taking, heart-centred agents of the divine life we share. As the rising tide of the heart sweeps in, may we be its conduit so that our children build from it a secure worldly home with love as its central hearth. In this way divine love may flow and flower throughout our planet.

I rejoice to see how the lightning flashes of foresight regarding the people’s welfare sparkle amidst your thoughts. These thoughts have to be launched into space. If you could daily spare half an hour for the future! Verily, the bonfire of your thoughts would receive Our welcome.

Let the things of everyday life vanish, but let the country of the future be embodied in thought. And what cleanses the spirit more thoroughly than the thoughts about the welfare of others? And what tempers the armor of steadfastness better than the wish to lead others to Light? And what weaves a better smile than a desire to see the very last child laughing? I urge you to think thus about the future, to place daily a pearl into the necklace of the Mother of the World.. And so, concisely and simply think how to adorn the Hearth of the World.

There should be no comparison with the past, for a wrinkle of the past is usually a nest of errors. One can sail past alien shores; one has only to admire the world of light bestowed upon all that lives. Light is the best bridge between the visible and the Invisible.

When one can think about the future not by the evening fire but in the radiance of the sun, then the dew drops of prana illumine the thinking brow.” Illumination, III:III:10.


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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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