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Education in the new age by Alice Bailey

Education in the New Age

Education in the New Age, by Alice A. Bailey.

Education should be a continuous process from birth to death. It is essentially a process leading to reconciliation of the human and divine elements in the constitution of a human being. Right relationship between God and humanity, spirit and matter, the whole and the part, should be a prime objective of educational techniques.


Who should read this book

  1. Those who seek to serve the race by educating for an enlightened future.
  2. All who aspire to enable the expansion of human consciousness.

Why it is suitable for those serving through education
This book emphasises the need for education in world citizenship. It is clear that since children naturally tend to accept without question those of other nations, other races, colour, belief and social background, a world consciousness and inclusiveness must first be generated in those adults responsible for the education and the training of the young. The book enumerates the faults and inadequacies in the present educational systems existing in many parts of the world , and suggests methods for the future.

How readable is it?
The book clarifies and opens new vistas for creative work in education. Objectives are outlined and essential questions answered within a context of the progressive development of the race and the individual within it.

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  • Contents
  • Extract From The Book
  • The Author


  • The Objectives of the New Education:
    • Introductory Statements
    • Some Questions Answered
    • Theory, Methods and Goals
    • Coordination and Integration
  • The Cultural Unfoldment of the Race:
    • Civilisation and Culture
    • The Process of Unfoldment
    • The Nature of Esotericism
  • The Next Step in the Mental Development of Humanity:
    • The Present Transition Period
    • The Aquarian Age
  • The Culture of the Individual:
    • The Angle of Citizenship
    • The World Situation and Ideologies
    • Reasons for the Present World Unrest
    • The Angle of Parenthood
    • Trends Indicative of Future Developments
    • The Angle of Personality Control
  • The Science of the Antahkarana
  • Synopsis
  • Index

Page 4-5

Education has three major objectives, from the angle of human development:

First, as has been grasped by many, it must make a man an intelligent citizen, a wise parent, and a controlled personality; it must enable him to play his part in the work of the world and fit him for living peaceably and helpfully and in harmony with his neighbours.

Second, it must enable him to bridge the gap between the various aspects of his own mental nature, and herein lies the major emphasis of the instructions which I am now purposing to give you.

In the esoteric philosophy we are taught, as well you know, that on the mental plane there are three aspects of the mind, or of that mental creature we call a man. These three aspects constitute the most important part of his nature:

  1. His lower concrete mind, the reasoning principle. It is with this aspect of the man that our educational processes profess to deal.
  2. That Son of Mind, which we call the Ego or Soul. This is the intelligence principle, and is called by many names in the esoteric literature, such as the Solar Angel, the Agnishvattas, the Christ principle, etc. With this, religion in the past has professed to deal.
  3. The higher abstract mind, the custodian of ideas, and that which is the conveyor of illumination to the lower mind, once that lower mind is en rapport with the soul. With this world of ideas philosophy has professed to deal.

We might call these three aspects:

  • The receptive mind, the mind as dealt with by the psychologists.
  • The individualised mind, the Son of Mind.
  • The illuminating mind, the higher mind.

Third, the gap between the lower mind and the soul has to be bridged, and curiously enough humanity has always realised this and has talked therefore in terms of “achieving unity” or “making the at-one-ment” or “attaining alignment.”  These are all attempts to express this intuitively realised truth.

The 24 books of Alice A. Bailey were written between 1919-1949. Most of the books, including this one, were written  in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher. They constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom – a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period.

The Alice A. Bailey writings were intended to precede and condition the coming era [of the Aquarian Age].


“Suffice it to say, that I am a Tibetan disciple of a certain degree, and this tells you but little, for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself. I live in a physical body like other men, on the borders of Tibet, …” Read more

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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