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Discipleship in the new age volume 2 by Alice Bailey

Discipleship in the New Age, Volume II, by Alice A. Bailey

Discipleship in the New Age, Volume II, by Alice A. Bailey

This is the second of two volumes which record a series of personal and group instructions given to a small group of aspirants over a period of fifteen years by a Master of the Wisdom. They contain detailed teachings on Meditation, Initiation, the Six Stages of Discipleship and the Mysteries. They emphasise the new age, pioneering necessity for group work, the development of group consciousness, and the change in training for initiation from individuals to discipleship groups.

Who should read this book

  1. Those who wish to deepen their enquiry after reading the first volume of this 2 volume set.
  2. All who aspire to understand and serve the greater Life expressing through our world.

Why it is suitable for those aspiring to serve the greater Life
This second volume contains the teaching given between the years 1940 and 1949 after the group had been reduced and reorganised into one group, “the new seed group”. One of the main objectives of the new seed group was to “anchor” some of the principles and seed ideas for the new civilisation of the Aquarian era; and also to create an integrated group of trained Hierarchical workers capable of providing needed cooperation with activities initiated by Hierarchy to fertilise and prepare human consciousness for the tremendous stimulation of the immediate future. 

How readable is it?
Reading this book one experiences and learns through the direct “voice” of a Master.  It can be deeply enlightening to see how He clarifies and points the way through many of the challenges we can face in striving to open the Way into a spiritual reality, a new age.

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  • Contents
  • Extract From The Book
  • The Author


Talks to Disciples by the Tibetan

Teachings on Meditation

Teachings on Initiation

Personal Instructions

The Mysteries


[From the Introduction by The Tibetan]

Pages 4-5

Give to each other real love in the times that lie ahead, for it is the fusing and illuminating element in the life of the disciple. Let not your love remain theoretical, but give that true understanding which ignores mistakes, recognises no barriers, refuses all separating thoughts, and surrounds each other with that protecting wall of love that meets all need wherever possible—physical, emotional and mental. It is this which blends the group into one organised whole, which the Masters of the Wisdom can use in the service of the Plan. The pressure at this time is great upon Them and the urgency of humanity’s cry grows stronger in Their ears. I have given you much time and thought, and earnestly I have sought to aid you on the Way. My love and strength are ever yours, but not always my time and attention. My earnest prayer is that the Light may enfold you and the Love of God transmute your lives.

For many years I have been looking ahead with definite planning and intent to the work which began in the late summer of 1936. I have sought—with the knowledge of some of you—to prepare you all as a group for an active participation in this future work. As I enter upon the task of preparing you for future increased usefulness and for closer cooperation, I must myself perforce take certain risks, and there must be established between us a trust which will be based—not on secrecy and reticences—but on truth and understanding.

This formation of the New Seed Group is my second attempt to be of hierarchical assistance in inaugurating the New Age methods and technique and to train groups (for it is a group age) which can express the New Age types of work. In my first attempt certain group limitations initiated difficulty and led to the closing of the several individual groups. You will have noted that I assigned the major failure to the inactivity of the heart centre in the majority of the members; this leads necessarily to inadequate integration. I mention this now because I would urge those members who have been selected to work in this new group to bear in mind that they may quite easily carry their earlier tendency into the new group. Only a fresh dedication and a renewed aspiration towards inspiration can prevent the recurrence of a certain static tendency; only a clear vision of the nature of glamour and of its effects in the individual and group life can eliminate the danger of infection from that tendency; only a humble spirit which is not occupied with the faults and failures of others can prevent the injection of an attitude of criticism and judging; and only an attentive watchfulness on the part of a certain few of the members can protect this new vehicle from disaster based on inexperienced self-confidence.

The 24 books of Alice A. Bailey were written between 1919-1949. Most of the books, including this one, were written  in cooperation with a Tibetan teacher. They constitute a continuation of the Ageless Wisdom – a body of esoteric teaching handed down from ancient times in a form which is always suitable to each period.

The Alice A. Bailey writings were intended to precede and condition the coming era [of the Aquarian Age].


“Suffice it to say, that I am a Tibetan disciple of a certain degree, and this tells you but little, for all are disciples from the humblest aspirant up to, and beyond, the Christ Himself. I live in a physical body like other men, on the borders of Tibet, …” Read more

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

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