Wednesday , 25 September 2024
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Preparing the Planetary HEARTH for the Sirius-Leo Festival

We are invited to continue to prepare for the Sirius-Leo Festival 18 to 22 August Australian dates (17 to 21 August calibrated to London and GMT) as we experiment together to sensitize to the telepathic field that holds the living organism of the One Planetary Server, the World Servers Group.

We may liken this experiment to preparing a fireplace or hearth for the flame that can be invoked through our conscious contact with the Life manifesting through that brilliant Star of Sensitivity, Sirius. We prepare the heart of the World Servers Group to be ignited by the Sirian fire.

Currently immersed in the energies of the second Cancer Solar Festival, we straddle the entrance into the Leo-Aquarius axis: the impulse to spiritualize Substance and an extreme sensitivity to sustain the impulse to govern from the Heart, from the centre of group consciousness.

The opportunity of the Sirius-Leo Festival is to become a useful receptive and distributing instrument in cooperation with the Spiritual Hierarchy during the coming Centennial Conclave next year as the result of practicing three skills together:

  • Intergroup Sensitivity – develop a felt sense recognition of the telepathic field in which we operate, thereby making it more real.
  • Intergroup Cooperation – holding the intention to become a coherent planetary lens, the planetary Ajna Centre.
  • Intergroup Receptivity – to the thought field of Hierarchy, and its ways of working.

As part of the experiment we are gathering on Saturday 20th July at 6:30am to 7:00am AEST for a brief overview of the unfolding experiment, followed by a twenty minute Silent Meditation as we consciously exercise our collective capacity as one organism to experience together the flow-through of the Sirian energy as we seek to know something which as yet, is truly new and unknown.

Please use this link to register >>>

Below is the full schedule for the Sirius_Leo Telepathic Intergroup Experiment.Β  Zoom links will be published in the August newsletter.


For your convenience the Australian schedule for the Sirius-Leo Festival Telepathic Intergroup Experiment is included below.

Day 1


18 August 2024


4:15am to 4:35am


20 minutes

Zoom meeting for shared silence

Day 2


19 August 2024




Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion

Days 2 and 3







19 August 2024

4:25pm AEST


20 August 2024

4:25pm AEST



Global Day of Silence



Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion

In theΒ spirit of synchronisation of our experimentΒ in timeΒ of intergroup rhythm, the Global Day of Silence beginsΒ twelve hoursΒ beforeΒ and continues twelve hoursΒ afterΒ the exact time of the full moon

Day 3


20 August 2024




Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion.
Day 4


21 August 2024




Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion
Day 5


22 August 2024


4:15am to 4:35am


20 minutes

Zoom meeting for shared silence

Use this converter for the exact day/time in your area:


Astrological input: Antonella Nobillo / Title Image: Gerd Altmann from Pixabay / Image 2: Leo from Pixabay / Graphic Design: Wendy J Thompson

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

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