Monday , 10 March 2025
Next Events & Meetings
emergent light william meader

William Meader returns to Australia Feb & Mar 2017

William MeaderI’m very excited to be returning to Australia, and will be presenting several talks and workshops in three locations…..Sydney, Adelaide and Brisbane. Please see my Emergent Light website – Events in Australia for more details.

I will be also be offering private astrological consultations in Sydney and Brisbane. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please click here.

William Meader




Weekend Retreat
25-26 February 2017

Randwick (Sydney)
The Unfolding

~ Invoking the Soul’s Wisdom and Purpose ~

Deep within each of us the soul stands ready to serve. Endowed with profound wisdom and compassionate love, it seeks to convey its innate gifts to a world in need. Our capacity to recognize and invoke the soul’s purpose is a process of divine unfoldment. Similar to a flowering lotus, the soul unfolds itself over time and, when it reaches full bloom, one’s ability to bring the Light of Wisdom into the world is uplifting and profound….. Read More.


Public Talk
(NurseLink Valedictory Dinner)
27 February 2017


~ The Great Adventure ~

Joy Nugent, the founder of NurseLink, has invited William to be the guest speaker at the celebration dinner of Joy’s remarkable life’s work in palliative care.  Speaking to the topic Death, the Great Adventure, William will be discussing death from the soul’s perspective as it seeks to begin its liberation from form.   People not connected with Joy’s work who have an interest in this topic, are warmly invited to attend. Learn More.

Public Workshop
28 February 2017

Death and the Soul’s Great Transition

This is a day for health professionals and the community at large to learn about an esoteric perspective on death. William Meader’s presentation will expand upon the palliative care philosophy of holistic care for people at the end of their life to consider what happens to the soul after death. There is a benefit for all in this knowledge, for to prepare for death is to prepare for life – they are one. The theory William will share is based on understanding soul and personality and the soul’s journey. And, by so doing, provide the audience with an awareness that will diminish the fear that is evidenced in the face of death. . Learn More.

Morning Seminar
1 March 2017

Esoteric Astrology – The Cosmic You

Ageless wisdom is to be found in the Cosmos. Translating this wisdom into guidance for the soul is William Meader’s task for this morning seminar. Presentation to be followed by lunch in this award winning winery. . . Learn More.


Public Talk
2 March 2017

The Cry of Humanity

~ Birth Pangs of a New and Dawning World ~

Whether we consider the horrifying events transpiring in the Middle East, the devastating refugee crisis in Europe or the widespread economic injustices occurring around the world, humanity is facing a global crisis of unparalleled proportions. Yet, when such events are examined from a spiritual perspective, it becomes clear that we are witnessing the prelude to a great initiatory opportunity facing the human family. Indeed, it is a period when the Soul of Humanity is . . . Learn More.

Public Workshop
4 March 2017

Practical Mysticism

~ The Way of the Future ~

For centuries, mysticism has been a major force in our quest to experience God and the spiritual dimension of life. Our yearning to find relationship with the Divine is ancient, and has been an instinctual impulse within us since the dawning hour of humankind. Though mysticism has been the emphasis of the past, it is gradually evolving into a new and more enlightened approach to God and our understanding of spiritual living. This new approach has been called Practical Mysticism. Read More.

Public Workshop
5 March 2017

The Soul and its Creative Destiny

Every human soul has a creative destiny. In this workshop we will discover why this is so, and how to more effectively manifest it in our lives. This will involve a deep and profound look at the steps to be followed in the ancient art of spiritual magic—the creative process of the soul. In addition, we will learn about the seven types of souls and what each is destined to express in support of humanity’s betterment. This workshop is designed to help people more easily recognize and express the soul in their personal lives.  Read More.

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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