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Being part of the Light of the world

Being Part of the Light of the World

…we learn to see with the eyes of the Soul that see through the blindfold of the forms in which we incarnate.

We are told that “the eyes are windows to the soul” so much can be realised when we see “eye to eye” or soul to soul. Through that meeting point, pretence and fabrication can be dissolved in the light of the Soul. Our gaze both reveals and projects our inner intentions and thoughts. The more we are centred in the heart of our being, the more clearly we see, and the more true is our response within the outer world of form. At the deepest point of our being is the divine essence we are – to be re-discovered as we learn to see with the eyes of the Soul that see through the blindfold of the forms in which we incarnate. Through that perspective we come face to face – eye to eye – with God, as St Paul described:-

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” I Corinthians 13:12

When we see with the eyes of love it is God seeing through us, for God is Love.

With tensions mounting in the world, everything is coming to the surface to be faced in the light of truth. We are seeing more clearly through to the underlying motives and causes working out in pain, suffering and grief. And we are realising that this is not what we long for, nor is it what we expect from our humanity. For, in our innermost heart, we know that we are intended for something greater, more caring and more inclusive of the whole of life. And we know this when we look through the clear eyes of love rather than through eyes clouded by fear. Love is our foundational truth. It carries us through to the primal truth and beauty of the Soul within. When we see with the eyes of love it is God seeing through us, for God is Love.

…how peculiarly this Earth on which we live is suited to the development of the incarnating sons of God. Man comes forth, as do all lives within the radius of influence of a solar system, upon the inspiration of love, expressed in wisdom. Love is not a sentiment. Love is the great principle of attraction, of desire, of magnetic pull, and (within our solar system) that principle demonstrates as the attraction and the interplay between the pairs of opposites. This interplay provides every needed grade or type of unfoldment for consciousness.” Esoteric Psychology I, page 336

…the Path opens up and realisation illumines the way forward.

As world events intensify and teeter towards dreaded climactic outcomes and our experience of time accelerates, there is a speeding up in our process of re-discovering who we really are. And so our journey of discovery is accelerated through the pressures of life experience – sometimes painful and sometimes uplifted by moments of grace and beauty. Eventually, through hearts tenderised by pain and uplifted by grace, the Path opens up and realisation illumines the way forward. Aspiration and discipline then guide and direct, bringing us ultimately to the centre of our being. Alice Bailey describes this point of attainment in her commentary on the Yoga Sutra of Patanjali:

He has arrived at the point at the heart of his being. From that point of pure spiritual realisation, he can increasingly work in the future. Through practice, he strengthens that realisation, and all life, work and circumstances are viewed as a passing pageant with which he is not concerned. Upon them, however, he can turn the searchlight of pure spirit; he himself is light and knows himself as part of the ‘Light of the World,’ and ‘in that light shall he see light.’ He knows things as they are and realizes that all which he has hitherto regarded as reality is but illusion. He has pierced the great Maya and passed behind it into the light which produces it and for him mistake is in the future impossible; his sense of values is correct; his sense of proportion is exact. He no longer is subject to deception but stands freed from delusion. When this point is realized, pain and pleasure no longer affect him; he is lost in the bliss of Self-Realization.” The Light of the Soul, page 103-4

Standing within our inherent divinity, we are no longer face to face but at-one with the One Life in which we are an eternal spark – as Christ expressed in the affirmation: “I and my Father are one.” (John 10:30) This is the realisation of the oneness of the spirit that is everywhere present, revealed when we are one with it in full awareness. Its pervasive Presence subtly draws us onward, inspiring our inherent capacity to learn, realise and express the divine love and wisdom which is God.

…in the Light that sub-stands all creation and all dimensions of being, oneness is revealed and known

Through the lived experience of all that is transpiring in our world, humanity is learning the interconnectedness of all things – their interrelatedness and interdependence. As realisation dawns, more light streams in, further revelation unfolds. Then, in the Light that sub-stands all creation and all dimensions of being, oneness is revealed and known. The Tibetan Master explains:

When, therefore, sight has been attained and the light streams forth, revelation of the oneness of all life is a simple and immediate occurrence; it comes first of all to the disciple as a flash of wondrous informative and instinctive realisation and then steadies down, as progress is made, into a constant apprehension and appreciation; it eventually produces the motivating impulse of all action.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 299

It is a living process that arises from the divine essence of our being and expresses out through the layers and dimensions of expression. Revelation cannot be imposed from without though experience may inspire the breaking free from what inhibits it, nor can it be conferred through words alone, as the Master explains:

… One of the easiest things in the world to say… is that life is one; that there is nothing but unity… But life is not yet one in consciousness, however true it may be in fact. The reason for this is that life is loving synthesis in action, and of that there is little today in demonstration. We have life in activity but love, based on realised unity and leading to expressed synthesis, is still absent. The vision of it is, however, upon the horizon of many, for in these days many are attaining sight and light is pouring in. Revelation will come when …[we] have perfected the art of revelation.” The Rays and the Initiations, page 300

…revelation flows through us along the currents of the Great Life that sustains all – the Life-force of our world which is divine Love.

Once known, revelation flows through us along the currents of the Great Life that sustains all – the Life-force of our world which is divine Love. It is reflected through all dimensions and is transmitted through the eyes of the soul and eye to eye. Something bright and beautiful shines through the eyes between loved ones – whether child and parent, animal and human companion, student and teacher, disciple and master, humanity and God – and makes all things new.

“To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent.”  ~  Heart 1.


About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.

One comment

  1. Absolutely Precious ReadingsThank you for Sharingxxx

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