Our dream experiences can often be coloured by what we last read or watched before sleeping. It seems that the subtle impulses reaching us in sleep are presented in terms of the symbols that hover in consciousness from our experience of the outer world. It is as though whatever we focus upon colours or tints the field of our awareness …
Read More »In Trailing Clouds of Glory
This year seems to be passing more quickly than ever before and we are now approaching that time when we celebrate the birth of a child who became a great Teacher of love and wisdom. He brought joy into the world and taught with such simplicity that all might understand. We are told that: …The Great One taught people to …
Read More »Creating a World Through a Wise Heart
As our world accelerates into a new turn in the upward spiral of its life expression, we may also experience a backwards pull from deep attachments to the known and familiar, like the tug of an outgoing tide. These opposing forces play out through many aspects of our living, and we may find ourselves taking sides in any number of …
Read More »The Discipline of Hope
Over the past 9 months our world has dramatically changed in a way that has affected almost every part of our daily living. It may have affected some more than others, but no one is entirely free from the impact. This is not something that we are experiencing vicariously; it is altering the very patterns of our own day to …
Read More »In Silence We Sail Into Spirit
In these times of quarantine and lock-down when once-busy streets are quiet and many businesses fall silent, we may find ourselves in an unaccustomed silence. If we can quell the urge to fill that silence with reassuringly familiar sounds, we might explore the deeper nature and potential of silence. The ancient proverb “Silence is golden” comes to mind and, with …
Read More »Expanding Consciousness
On 6th and 9th August millions of souls around the world will observe the deeply sobering anniversaries of the devastation of Hiroshima and Nagasaki by the atomic bombs dropped in 1945. Today in Hiroshima there is a Peace Memorial Park where the epicentre of the blast occurred. In the larger sweep of history humanity has demonstrated that it can move …
Read More »Word of the Soul
Over the past months many have commented on the relative silence into which we have moved under the restrictions to counteract the spread of the virus. This outer silence has found us turning towards our inner resources, to where we may hear the subtle sound of the spiritual world that pervades the outer seeming if we are silent enough to …
Read More »Breaking Through to a New World
Despite the constant broadcast of analysis and reflection about the pandemic, we are still in process of realising the full significance of this ongoing event and its unfolding impact on all aspects of our civilisation. Plans to ‘get back to normal’ are being put forward by administrations that have been based on how things have been until now. But there …
Read More »The New Shoots of Goodness Will Flower
When the birth of a new child draws near, most parents experience a sense of expectancy and also of vulnerability for, although the birth process may be anticipated with joy, it also carries risks to the life of both mother and baby. And yet, out of love and the power of the natural order of things, human beings sacrifice certainty …
Read More »You Are the Entire Ocean in a Drop
While the impact of the current pandemic on human awareness has increased attention on our personal health, at the same time it has brought a realisation of our indivisible interconnectedness with all others and the planet as a whole. We seem to be poised between maintaining the wellbeing of a separate self at one level and, at another level, consciously …
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