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Only from the Heart can you Touch the Sky
Photo: Bradley Dunn

Only from the Heart can you Touch the Sky

…we can see where current systems are failing

As our eyes become accustomed to seeing through the surface of things, we can see where current systems are failing to serve the rights and needs of many of our fellow citizens around the world. Then we begin to see the limitations of the causal thoughtform at the core of the passing civilisation. And, as the light of understanding brightens, it begins to reveal the first outlines of a new causal idea and the new human identity that will embody it.

…as the effects and outcomes of actions (no matter how long hidden) rise inevitably to the surface

We also begin to see the beneficent face of Karma emerging, as the effects and outcomes of actions (no matter how long hidden) rise inevitably to the surface – though redress can be slow to follow. Even through the varied lenses of the global media such revelations as the Pandora papers and other exposés are bringing us face to face with the truth: that the abundant resources of our beautiful planet have not always been shared according to divine intention: to address need, but have been quietly amassed by the privileged and those who seek to join them.

The light of such revelations is waking us up to a new level of human consciousness

The light of such revelations is waking us up to a new level of human consciousness: one that understands the need to serve the good of all, the common good, because we all share the one great Life in Whom we live and move and have our being, and we are all integral parts within that mighty compass. Christ taught how that great Life might address those who had in their power to help the most vulnerable and yet failed to do so:

Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these … you did it to Me.’’ The Bible, Matthew 25:45

The human heart is waking from a long slumber.

The power to recognise the underlying, causal truth and to create a new civilisation in its light, is being realised and is empowering groups of courageous souls in all lands. The human heart is waking from a long slumber. The Agni Yoga writings remind us that:

“…As truth surpasses imagination, so is the future beyond dreams. Origen said: ‘With the eyes of the heart we behold Be-ness.’ Only through the heart can we discern the beauty of the world manifested by the Heart of Cosmos….” Infinity I, sloca 76

Through the eyes of the heart, we begin to discern how to create a new world more as divinely intended. The Tibetan Master explains:

“…the heart is the custodian of the power of the imagination. The imagination is released into creative activity when the disciple acts ‘as if’ he were the soul in full expression…” Discipleship in the New Age II, page 555

We are born with an innate capacity to love.

We are born with an innate capacity to love. Even when born into the most hostile circumstances a child’s automatic response is to love, however that love may be met and however deserving of it the parent may be. That is our soul’s treasure that can never be taken from us though it may be met with rejection and become buried under layers of illusion. We are born of that mighty force and made of it, whether it expresses as love of self, of a cause, of a specific person, of humanity, of the world, or of God.

A mother’s love in its nurturing and sacrificial quality is perhaps closest to the Soul’s capacity to eternally love and transcend all conflicts that separate and demean. Once we discover our true being, the soul within, it irradiates the upward path into the finer realms, the noblest path of:

…having nothing, and yet possessing all things” The Bible, 2 Corinthians 6:10.

When the human soul comes alive in the world, the heart begins to open, and the soul becomes the essential identity

When the human soul comes alive in the world, the heart begins to open, and the soul becomes the essential identity and the controller of its embodiment. As we lift our thoughts and sensitivity to finer and more inclusive thought currents and values, unconstrained by dense form matter, thought instantaneously becomes action. Forms are created or dissolved with a shift of focus. The world of concrete form no longer inhibits the creative power of the soul. The Tibetan Master explains further:

“When the searchlight of the mind is penetrating slowly into hitherto unrecognised aspects of the divine mind, when the magnetic qualities of the heart are awakening and becoming sensitively responsive to both the other aspects, then the man becomes able to function in the new unfolding realms of light, love and service.” The Reappearance of the Christ, page 128

“…the heart doctrine is based upon the universal nature of the soul, conditioned by the Monad, the One, and involves reality …
The aspirant eventually arrives at the point where the three threads—of life, of consciousness and of creativity—are being focussed, recognised as energy streams, and utilised deliberately by the aspiring disciple upon the lower mental plane. There—esoterically speaking—’he takes his stand, and looking upward sees a promised land of beauty, love and future vision.’” The Rays and the Initiations, page 458

We are on the verge of a civilisation of the soul

We are on the verge of a civilisation of the soul wherein the purest of heart will be our acknowledged leaders – free of any trace of the self-serving rationalisation of the lower mind, and able to see through to the heart, and know how best to serve and guide us on the upward path of love as we learn to respond to the pull of the great magnet of the heart at the core of our world.

…we are on a journey to our true and eternal home – the Home where love abides

Each in their own way is experiencing this moment of departure from the old world into something yet unformed though we can sense its near Presence in our heart of hearts. And as we approach it through the portal of the heart, it will become familiar and will stir the memories carried within the recesses of the heart throughout all time. Then we will remember we are on a journey to our true and eternal home – the Home where love abides and, through love, divine intention is carried out as it flows through the heart to reach all and draw them into the divine embrace.

“To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart…
So let us keep in mind the wondrous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. ….” Heart, sloca 1

Only from the heart can you touch the sky. ~ Rumi

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About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.


  1. Evan Oliver Biktjorn

    Hi Guys ,

    This quote here, on this page, came up in my search for the master Maria as I googled the words from a video
    which are the same as the quote on this page.
    Can you tell me where you found this quote :
    “To see with the eyes of the heart; to hear the roar of the world with the ears of the heart; to peer into the future with the understanding of the heart; to remember past accumulations through the heart—that is how the aspirant must boldly advance on the path of ascent. Creativity embraces the fiery potential and comes to be saturated with the sacred fire of the heart…
    So let us keep in mind the wondrous attraction of the magnet of the heart, which links all manifestations. ….”
    Here is the video link that I found it on :

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