Sunday , 23 February 2025
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Lotus of Truth & Beauty

Reflect the Truth and Beauty of Life

…as we pass through the cycles we move co-operatively with the great principles underlying life in form

Here in the Southern hemisphere we are in the midst of the Spring season and the fragrance of flowering plants floats invisibly and silently on subtle air currents, carrying memories of past cycles and anticipation of the new. As we breathe in the beauty and promise of each season passing in its cyclic progression, we too automatically move through the processes of the natural world, being intrinsic parts of the Life that expresses through it. We adjust to each season’s conditions, and as we pass through the cycles we move co-operatively with the great principles underlying life in form – of embodiment to achieve a purposeful expression.

Once purpose is fulfilled, the form is no longer required. Its substance is returned to the great reservoir of the Mother of the World, imbued with all the refinements that experience has wrought upon it. Among these refinements are the subtle memories it helped to create. They flow into the heart of the universe and become part of the song of life evolving through form. Every form resounds with the beauty of these eternal strains – if we attune our hearing to their subtle waves. All is accessible to the subtle Presence through and beyond time.

This accessibility to the whole and its potential synthesis can be seen reflected in the form of the internet

This accessibility to the whole and its potential synthesis can be seen reflected in the form of the internet, the world-wide web of interconnection. So much is becoming available that it requires us to build more subtle capacities of discernment as we choose from the ocean of available information, opinions, and judgements. We are thrown back on our own inner wisdom in order to navigate through the hidden rocks of prejudice and to escape the narrow straits of opinions based on limiting beliefs and partial knowledge.

As electronic search engines and beamed media convey the widening array of world events, views and opinions, we become more deeply aware of the pain and suffering of our world

As electronic search engines and beamed media convey the widening array of world events, views and opinions, we become more deeply aware of the pain and suffering of our world, its peoples, animals, lands and seas. How to respond? We may turn away in denial, desiring instead to immerse in our own more comfortable life; we may seek to help alleviate some of the overwhelming pain and suffering; we may envision a new, better and possible world and build a bridge of creative vision, an invocative pathway for the return of Those who, through the magnetic power of the heart, will bring a new order and usher in the rule of the enlightened.

Sifting through all this accessible data, it becomes clear that there are many who are paving the way into a new world of interrelation through heart-response rather than desire-acquisitiveness. They stand out to the sensitive eye as sparkling stars of reflected sunlight dancing across the darker depths of the ocean of information. Together they are creating a guiding light, a pathway into what is good, true and beautiful.

Many are communicating through inspiring and enlightening publications such as Kosmos Journal – see:  or through magazines reporting on the positive progress of ordinary people achieving extraordinary things such as Positive News magazine – see:  and The Good News Agency – see:  Many are breaking free of the limiting currents of traditionally accepted thought and are opening up a newer and wider view of reality that includes the subtle dimensions of our being – such as the scientists who published the “Manifesto for a Post-Materialist Science”:-
For the manifesto:
For the video:

Those who seek and tell the truth through the chaos of a crumbling civilisation underpin our search for meaning as old reasoning falters

Many are the truth-tellers who report the wider truth such as the foreign correspondents who try to report the various views behind crisis points around the globe. Their lives have become at risk in the increasingly oppressive approach of governments seeking to retain control over their people even as it is fast fragmenting and slipping through their fingers. Those who seek and tell the truth through the chaos of a crumbling civilisation underpin our search for meaning as old reasoning falters, and the need for foundational values that support the wider world and the greater life that sustains us all.

…the truth-tellers are pointing the way with a clarity wrought out of their own experience.

The heart shines most radiantly through a clear and finely attentive mind that can bring the clear light of wise understanding to guide us into a new more enlightened era. And the truth-tellers are pointing the way with a clarity wrought out of their own experience. Among them is Peter Greste who was falsely charged and convicted in Egypt in 2013. In his recently published book, The First Casualty: from the front lines of the global war on journalism, he describes the gradual erosion of the freedom of the Press and of speech, carried out by governments and administrations throughout the world, and illustrates through his own experience the truth and implications behind this trend. He recalls reading and reflecting in his small prison cell:

…Frankl found profound truth in a quote from Friedrich Nietzsche who said ‘Those who have a “why” to live can bear with almost any “how”.’ He then wrote: ‘In some way, suffering ceases to be suffering at the moment it finds meaning.’
On reading that, I go back to the insight … that our imprisonment was never personal. The gap between what we are accused of doing and what we actually did is so vast that it could never be about us as individuals. Instead, it has to be about something much bigger – about what we have come to represent. And to my mind, the only thing I can think of is an attempt by the government to suppress freedom of the press and, more broadly, freedom of speech itself.”  Peter Greste: The First Casualty

Peter’s TEDx talk about his experience is at: 

It takes an act of will motivated by a shared heart to break through the confines of a world view become too small for the full glory of the human soul to express.

Like the changing of the seasons, the breakdown of a civilisation, as it brings down hopes and expectations, is also a push to the inherently human urge to create anew, a push through the compressing passage of birth towards a freer, more expansive being, a new incarnation, a new era of the lightness of being in which the Soul of humanity reflects through its mighty heart. It takes an act of will motivated by a shared heart to break through the confines of a world view become too small for the full glory of the human soul to express. It is time to invoke that will. The Tibetan Master explains:

(Will) energy is… that which is related to the livingness (through consciousness and form) of humanity; …it concerns the establishing of right human relations and is that condition of being which eventually negates the power of death. It is, therefore, incentive and not impulse; it is realised purpose and not the expression of desire. Desire works from and through the material form upwards; Will works downwards into form, bending form consciously to divine purpose. The one is invocative and the other is evocative. Desire, when massed and focussed, can invoke will; will, when evoked, ends desire and becomes an immanent, propulsive, driving force, stabilising, clarifying, and—among other things—finally destroying. …It is this will—aroused by invocation—which must be focussed in the light of the soul, and dedicated to the purposes of light and for the purpose of establishing right human relations which must be used (in love) to destroy all that is hindering the free flow of human life and that is bringing death (spiritual and real) to humanity. This Will must be invoked and evoked.” Esoteric Astrology, page 583-4

And with the Soul’s emergence we enter into the age of wisdom.

Energy follows thought, thought coalesces into words, and words guide intention into a new cycle of life in form. Such is the power of the truth-tellers. And with the Soul’s emergence we enter into the age of wisdom. The age of learning – of amassing and inculcating information – is giving way to the living expression of the inner soul’s wisdom. Through wisdom we choose the words which convey the subtle truths behind the outer seeming.

      The Truth by Don Turner

Unless it is eternal it is not the Truth
But a passing thought,
Unless it’s beautiful it is not the Truth
But an emotion formed in fear and ignorance,
Unless it lives, inspires and gives life
It is not the Truth but a falsehood and a dream,
Unless it radiates love, joy and peace
It is not the Truth, but another human conception —
That the world is full of such truths
Only shows us the nature of our world —
Yet we may awaken — the spirit prompts us.
When we look at the horrors around us
The spirit says awaken to your Truth —
This needn’t be so.
Suffering is a divine mechanism that prompts us to let go,
To heed the call of humanity’s cries
And free ourselves.
We have let ourselves be controlled by fear
But the Truth is we can’t be harmed and are eternal —
Embrace this Truth and live
Express your Truth and Be
Sing your song, and add your note to the divine chorus.
The Truth isn’t found in words but in the spirit prompting
In the moment, now,
Open up, free your mind, and journey forth,
And as the changing colors of the living sky
Reflect the Truth and Beauty of Life,
Embody it and let It perfect you.

More of Don’s beautiful poetry can be found on this inspiring website:-

About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.


  1. Thank you Sydney Goodwill for being a beacon of light. I enjoy the articles and know that this is exactly what the world needs…more love in action! In oneness we are a great force for change.

    • mm

      Thank you for the heartening feedback, dear Simon. It is so reassuring when we get a response! Such a beautiful reminder that we are serving with so many others and giving each other heart-strength.

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