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Sirius-Leo Festival 18-22 August AEST/17-21 August GMT

The Sirius-Leo Festival offers an opportunity of working with the Hierarchy to absorb, apprehend and anchor the (en)lightening, leavening and loosening energy emanating from Sirius.  See previous article:

The Life manifesting through Sirius, referred to as that “Brilliant Star of Sensitivity”, is said to be an expression which is organised and vital beyond anything we can vision and which is free to a completely unlimited extent, almost beyond our capacity to comprehend.[i]

Indeed, Sirius is governed by the unique and mysterious law of Freedom.[ii]

In August in Leo, we have the opportunity to make contact, via the Hierarchy, with Sirian force[i].

Evidence of the impact of this contact is experienced in the (en)lightening, leavening and loosening energy that unshackles us from our identification with outmoded forms within the Manifest World as we increasingly recognise the Oneness of essence at the heart of all areas of living within the world.

While the sun moves through Leo, we have the opportunity to attune to and refine our preparatory sensitivity to newer dimensions of freedom impulsed from the Life manifesting through the star Sirius in the Universe. Closer to home, we can find Sirius in the micro-Universe in us. Sirius permeates every part of us – residing as it does at the heart of every atom within us. Sirius is simultaneously a star in the Universe – some 40 times brighter than our sun – and, the heart-star of every atom.

Sirian Freedom progressively and profoundly liberates us to work in the paradoxically uncharted territory of unknown knowing as we live in the world, yet not of the world.

The Sirius-Leo Telepathic Experiment 18-22 August, 2024 in Australia/17-21 August 2024 offers the opportunity to consciously work as an Intergroup cooperating with Hierarchy in this open space now, in the lead up to the Centennial Conclave in 2025, and beyond.

The Sirius-Leo Intergroup Telepathic Experiment spans five days 18-22 August, 2024 in Australia/17-21 August GMT.

Over the five festival days we will connect in subjective telepathic intergroup communion, calibrated to the exact time of the full moon.

    • The five days will be book-ended by 20-minute silent meditations via zoom on Day 1 and Day 5.
    • The day of the full moon will be dedicated to a Global Day of Silence that begins 12 hours before and continues 12 hours after the exact time of the full moon.

The schedules below include the registration zoom links for Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST) and Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).

For further information about the experiment:

If you have any questions, please send them to


Day 1 18 August 4:15am to 4:40am AEST 25 minutes
Zoom meeting for shared silence
Zoom Details
Registration Link >>>
Day 2 19 August 4:25am AEST Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion
Day 3 20 August Global Day of Silence: 24 hours of subjective Silence. Exact time of the Full moon is 4:25 am AEST Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion The Global Day of Silence begins 12 hours before and continues 12 hours after the exact time of the full moon
Day 4 21 August 4.25am AEST Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion
Day 5 22 August 4:15am to 4:40am AEST 25 minutes
Zoom meeting for shared silence
Zoom Details
Registration Link >>>



Day 1 17 August 6:15pm to 6:40pm GMT 25 minutes – Zoom meeting for shared silence Zoom Details
Registration Link >>>
Day 2 18 August 6:25pm GMT Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion

Day 3


19 August


Global Day of Silence: 24 hours of subjective Silence.
Exact time of the Full moon is 6:25 pm GMT
Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion


The Global Day of Silence begins 12 hours before and continues 12 hours after the exact time of the full moon


Day 4 20 August 6.25pm GMT Subjective Telepathic Intergroup Communion
Day 5 21 August 6:15pm to 6:40pm GMT 25 minutes – Zoom meeting for shared silence Zoom Details
Registration Link >>>

Use this converter for the exact time in your area >>>

For your convenience, here are the exact times for the planetary centres daily linking:

London 7:25 pm BST * New York 2:25 pm EDT * Geneva 8:25 pm CEST *

Darjeeling 11:55 pm IST * Tokyo 3:25 am JST

In order to register thoughts and impressions following the Sirius-Leo Festival, we offer to use the Community Board where we can post to the full group. This is now available and, after concluding this experiment, allows us to share our experience and determine our next steps as a united telepathic organism. Please note, in order to have access to everyone’s postings you need to post something yourself.


Sirian Image: Dominique from Pixabay.  Graphic Design: Wendy J Thompson

[i] Bailey, A.A. A Treatise on the Seven Rays: Vol III: Esoteric Astrology. Lucis Trust. 299.
[i] Bailey, A.A. A Treatise on the Seven Rays: Vol V: The Rays and Initiations. Lucis Trust. 416
[ii] Bailey, A.A. A Treatise on the Seven Rays: Vol V: The Rays and Initiations. Lucis Trust. 417

About Wendy J. Thompson

Wendy J Thompson is a Creative Practitioner in the Screen Arts, Educator, Playwright and co-Founder of the Global Silent Minute who strives to create work imbued with purpose to touch the heart with radiant synthetic beauty.

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