Sunday , 23 February 2025
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affection agni Agni Yoga a growing spiritual aspiration Alice Bailey all things are but a reflection of the Divine a new world is arising An Infinite Land of Day appreciation Aries 2024 Arrows of Thought As a man thinketh in his heart astral body astrology at-one-ment A Treatise on Cosmic Fire A Treatise on White Magic awareness Balance balancing beacon beauty beauty and fairness Beauty is the impact of the Divine Beauty is Truth Beauty transforms matter into a rainbow Bedrock of Truth Bicycles for Humanity birth of a new consciousness Breaking through breathe Bridge in Consciousness bridge of life bridge of light Brotherhood brotherhood of the universe bursting with the joy of the unknown by human feet and human hands Carry us into a new world cave of the heart Centre where the will of God is known change civilisation of the Heart communion of the one hearth compassion compassion explosion consciousness coperative endeavour Cosmic Fire Cosmic sea of life cosmic sky Cosmos courage Create a New World Creating a pathway of return Creating a World creative thought-power Crisis is a prelude to all expansions of consciousness Dawn of the New Era death throes of an old worldview destiny dew drops of prana Diamond of Consciousness disciple Discipleship in the New Age discipline of hope dissolves all barriers divine garden Divine Symmetry Divine Will divinity Do we see “through a glass darkly” dramatic astrology Earth from space electrical nature of the universe electric world emergence of the soul energy follows thought energy of love enlightenment enthusiasm era of the heart era of the mother of the world esoteric Esoteric Healing Esoteric psychology eternal life eternal oneness eternal source etheric etheric body etheric vehicle expanding consciousness expanding universe Expansions of Heart Externalisation of the Hierarchy Externalising your Heart eye of the storm family relationship fearlessness fiery heart fiery lotus Fiery World fire is the great purifier Fire of Love flame of the heart flood of joy Fly Away Home Formless God freedom Freedom of Being Full moon Full Moon in Cancer Full Moon in Gemini Full SuperMoon future Gateway of Liberation Gathering Dawn Gentle Flower of Hope giving replaces taking global awakening global change Globe of awareness God golden light goodwill gratitude Greater Light Great Invocation Great Life of the Universe Group Discipleship harmony healing heart heart and soul Heart in All heart of humanity heart of the world Heart transcends space & time Heaven Helena Roerich Hierarchy Hierarchy of souls Hold Infinity in the Palm of Your Hand home Home of the Heart Hope H P Blavatsky human consciousness human heart humanity Human Soul human spirit I build a lighted house and therein dwell illumination impulse to freedom inclusiveness infinite Infinite stream of life Infinity inner radiance Inner Sun inner world inspiration interdependence interrelatedness intuitive heart Isn't it Time to Turn Your Heart into a Temple of Fire? jewel in the lotus joy Joy is a Special Wisdom joy of freedom joy of the heart Joy of the unknown Joy unbelievable justice K-Message Kahlil Gibran karma Kingdom of Souls Law of Cause & Effect Law of Magnetic Impulse Laws of the Soul Leaves of Morya's Garden Leaves of Moryas's Garden Let the Sun-Heart come alive letting go life Life is Loving Synthesis in action light Light begins to shine lighted home Light in the world light of our soul Light of the Soul Light of the World Light reveals truth lion of truth Living Bridge Lord of the World Lotus lotuses lotuses aflame love love and truth Love and Unity Consciousness Love is the eternal lifeline Love is the flame love is the lion of truth Love of the Soul Love one another Love unspeakable magnetic seed of the future magnet of the heart Maitreya Map of Everything Map of Heaven Master DK Materia Lucida maya Mercy Pity Peace & Love Merging with the Light Merle Stubbs mirror of the mind Morya Morya's Garden Mother Nature's fire Mother of the World My Constellation my soul is from elsewhere Nations New Age new civilisation New dimension of being New Earth New era new era being born New Era Community New era of consciousness new era of the soul new human consciousness New humanity New Light New Shoots of Goodness new vistas New World Nicola Tesla nine stars Ocean of Light & Love omniscience one heart One hearth One Life One Life of Earth One Light Oneness One Soul one swaying being One world only dissolution of forms only from the heart open heart Our Planet is Alive Our Shared Humanity Pam Gregory Pam Gregory astrology Patanjali path of ascent path of the Bodhisattva pathway for the light of truth Pathway of Light pathway of return Patterns of expression peace Peace unbreakable Peace will come to Earth again Petals of the Heart planetary centre planetary Logos power of hope power of poetry power of simplicity prana pure heart purificatory fire Rabindranath Tagore radiance radiance of life radiance of love radiance of the heart radiant radiant sun-heart radiatory radiatory awareness random acts of kindness Rays and Initiations Rays and the Initiations re-incarnation realisation realised state Reappearance of the Christ Removing the seeds of enmity resonance of the spheres Responding to the Light Restoring the Plan on Earth revelatory rising from the ashes Rising Sun river Roberto Assagioli roots of growth Rumi Sacred Fire of the Heart secret treasure bearer Seed of Samadhi seeing the new world rise Seeing with the Eyes of the Heart self-realisation serve the Divine Plan Shamballa sharing Signs of Christ Silence silence is the language of god silence of love Silent and Still simplicity simplicity of being simplification Solar Logos solemnity something finer is slowly dawning Song of the future Song of the Heart Songs of Peace soul soul is the lodestar Soul presence spiral cycles of nature spiral dynamics spiral pattern of human evolution spiral structure of DNA spirit spiritual awareness spiritual dimensions spiritual hierarchy spiritual sun status quo stillness strength of the heart striving subjective realm Subtle life subtle spheres Subtles worlds subtle world Sun Sun's view sun-heart sun-hearts Sunlight and shadows SuperMoon SuperMoon Eclipse Supermundane sustainability Sutras of Patanjali symbiotic cycle synthesis Tagore Teilhard de Chardin telepathy Telepathy & the Etheric Vehicle Telepathy and the Etheric Vehicle Telepathy in the Etheric Vehicle temple of fire Temple of Light tenderness Tenderness Revolution The Awakening the awakening heart the beginning of Satya Yuga The Christ The Coming One The Discipline of Joy and Achievement the end of Kali Yuga The fire and the rose are one the grace and beauty of the Cosmos the human heart awakens from a long slumber The Interconnectedness of All The Light of Hierarchy The Light of the Soul the metamorphosis of mankind the new Aquarian civilisation is beginning to manifest in joy. the old system is collapsing the one heart The One Life The Oneness of all Life The Path of Ascent the path out of suffering the power of the Heart The Rays & the Initiations The Rays and the Initiations The Reappearance of the Christ there is no death The Spiral The Sun Radiates the Light that Enables Life The Tibetan The Tibetan Master the way of higher evolution the wings of humanity thinker thinking in the heart thinking truth think spatially thoughts thriving on joy Tibetan Master tides of change time timelessness time speeding up Together we build with Light touch the sky Tower beyond tragedy transformative transparency True oneness of the Life we share true self truth truth-tellers Truth is Beauty turn your Heart into a Temple of Fire Two wings not one Unfolding the petals of the heart United Nations unity Unity consciousness universality unknown upward spiral vast field of shared consciousness visualisation Voices of the wise warmth of heart weaving a new garment wheel of life wholeness will will-to-good William Meader willing heart winds of change wings wisdom wise heart word of the soul workshop world affairs World Kindness Day You are the entire ocean in a drop you cannot put the butterfly back in the caterpillar