Wednesday , 12 February 2025
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As we approach the Wesak Festival with the Full Moon in Taurus, the Forces of Light direct Their gaze to a particular magnetic centre – Mount Kailash in Tibet in the Himalayas.

Mount Kailash is the temporal, externalised and visible aspect of the eternal, invisible Mount Meru which crowns the celestial axis of the planet at the top of the world.

According to the Agni Yoga teachings, when our little blue planet was created the Mother of the World – the Matriarch and Initiator of the Planetary Hierarchy – wanted to ensure that Humanity would have somewhere to go to remove us from the lure of gold. She suggested we either be given wings or mountains. The Creator thought it was premature for Humanity to have wings and thus decided to create mountains1 where we could gather and re-member who we are at the deepest level of being. Thus, we have mountains, not wings. When we visit mountains we feel the power of true wealth – the rejuvenating connection of identification with Spirit.

In the approach to the Wesak Festival celebrated within the radiance of Mount Kailash, we feel the call to participate in the supreme moment of the year of intensive spirit effort when two of the Mother of the World’s Sons, the Buddha and the Christ, at-one for 8 minutes when the moon has reached its zenith and the Buddha transmits a Blessing from Shambhala to the Christ Who, as the representative of Humanity, receives it in trust for distribution.

Mount Kailash, known as the Mountain of the Bell, is ringing now calling all of us – both in and out of incarnation – to participate in this exquisite process of identical atonement between two siblings, and will reverberate throughout this spiritual year.

As the Mother of the World makes Her presence felt for the first time on a planetary scale, we, as co-operators with the planetary Hierarchy responsible for the construction of the life of the blue planet, honour and maintain the Silent Command of the great Mother of the World –

She Who is responsible for the gift of mountains to Humanity.

She Who now stands encompassing the Mountain of the Bell that rings from the top of the world.

She Who enfolds the enlightened ones in Her veil of joy.

She Who overshadows Her Sons as They perform this annual service within the radiance of Mount Kailash.

She Whose Silent Command invites us to enter deeper into the mysteries of the power of Silence.

Let us express our infinite gratitude for participating in the glory of the infinite chain of Being.

1 Fiery World II, 5

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.

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