A 16-minute video of a TED talk. What do you learn when you sail around the world on your own? When solo sailor Ellen MacArthur circled the globe – carrying everything she needed with her – she came back with new insight into the way the world works, as a place of interlocking cycles and finite resources, where the decisions …
Read More »Beloved – Meditative video
A 2-minute Meditation Video by Brenda Molloy and Helen Heinmiller. This is based on fractal mathematics; think sacred geometry. It is calming and soothing, and studies in peer-reviewed journals have researched this. The soothing properties of the video allow the brainwaves to enter a high alpha or theta state which is a very receptive state, perfect for Helen’s spoken meditation …
Read More »UN Climate Conference #COP24 in Poland – Sir David Attenborough
A 7-minute video from the United Nations Facebook pages. In the position of the People’s Seat at the UN Climate Conference #COP24 in Poland, Sir David Attenborough delivers a speech shaped by people from around the world and collected through social media demanding more #ClimateAction. (Please note: the above links are to Facebook pages.)
Read More »Brenda Molloy Fractal Artist Introduction
Fractal Artist Brenda Molloy discusses her art in this introductory video. http://www.brendamolloy.com Click the above link for more information about Brenda, her art, and recently published book Art That Resonates – Harmonic Art for the Body/Mind/Spirit.
Read More »Roberto Assagioli, the Scientist of the Spirit
1-minute trailer. Roberto Assagioli, lo Scienziato Dello Spirito (The Scientist of the Spirit)” is a ‘visionary’ feature documentary dedicated to the life and work of the Italian psychiatrist Assagioli (1888–1974), the founder of the Psychosynthesis. The movie is an original work structured on ‘evocative scenes and words’, with the influential contributions of people that have known Roberto Assagioli personally, learning …
Read More »WORLD KINDNESS DAY: 12 amazing random acts of kindness that will warm your heart
This 17-minute video shows Transperth passengers rescuing a man at Stirling Station in 2014. It is one of 12 random acts of kindness described in the following article https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/world-kindness-day-random-acts-viral-inspiring-free-haircuts-homeless-veteran-funeral-a8631436.html. These 12 random acts of kindness include:- Helping a woman in need Honouring a hero Shaving heads in solidarity The best birthday celebration Giving what you can A touch of kindness with …
Read More »Beethoven on Piano for Romsai the Elephant
Romsai is an old bull elephant almost blind. Paul Barton is playing what seems to be Romsai’s favourite composer. Music: Beethoven slow movement from Pathetique Sonata. Romsai lives at Elephants World in Thailand http://www.elephantsworld.org For Bach on Piano for Blind Elephant:-
Read More »AMA – a short film by Julie Gautier
Freediver Julie Gautier, who is married fellow diver Guillaume Néry, performed an absolutely gorgeous, beautifully choreographed dance at the bottom of the Y40, the deepest swimming pool in the world. Gautier’s dance conveyed incredible grace and meaning, yet was performed for six minutes on an amazing single breath. Julie Gautier explained the meaning of the dance in personal terms. JULIE: …
Read More »Prince Harry’s Speech | Invictus Games | Sydney
Prince Harry, the Duke of Sussex at the Opening Ceremony of the fourth Invictus Games in Sydney 2018. “You are the unconquered generation. You are the optimistic generation.” Read Prince Harry’s inspiring speech in full here: https://bit.ly/2CUJYmZ “You are the new generation of service and you are role models to us all. And you are going to put on one …
Read More »Science Copies Nature’s Secrets – Biomimicry
9-minute video. The natural creations of Mother Nature are a thousand steps ahead in comparison to the inventions done by our scientists to the technology stream. Scholars have accepted that nature is the best place to get answers to our problems. Thus, making new inventions by grasping skillful places in nature is called “Bio mimicry”. Mother Nature is the extraordinary …
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