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5. THE GLOBAL SILENT MINUTE – A portal of cooperation between the worlds

It’s wonderful how the spirit of synthesis is increasingly permeating our conversations in all fields of endeavour as we realise our shared responsibility for the whole blue planet.

Synthesis IS. It is Humanity that is in an evolutionary process of realising it as we apprehend our true identity within, and hence responsibility and cooperation with, all worlds beyond the Manifest or physical realms.

The Global Silent Minute on 21 December 2019 at 9 pm GMT offers Humanity a unique opportunity for realisation in this unprecedented intentional synchronised silent minute. One minute of silence – the exact minute everywhere – calls on humanity to fulfil its highest potential and greatest destiny: peace on Earth.

The Global Silent Minute calls Humanity to re-align with what our ancestors always knew, and we are re-membering, that Humanity’s true destiny is as citizens within the Cosmos.

The Global Silent Minute takes its inspiration from the WWII Silent Minute that provided opportunity through silence for cooperation between both sides of the veil for the Forces of Light to prevail in the ending of the war in the pursuit of peace and freedom.

Silence was recognised as the mechanism for this cooperation when the idea was born on the battlefield between two comrades outside Jerusalem. In a billet on the hillside at the mouth of a cave, and on the eve of a battle in December 1917, Rawson confided in Wellesley Tudor Pole (WTP) saying:

I shall not come through this struggle and, like millions of other men in this war, it will be my destiny to go on now. You will survive and live to see a greater and more vital conflict fought out in every continent and ocean and in the air. When that time comes, remember us. We shall long to play our part wherever we may be.  Give us the opportunity to do so, for that war for us will be a righteous war.  We shall not fight with material weapons then, but we can help you if you will let us.  We shall be an unseen but mighty army.  Give us the chance to pull our weight. You will still have “time” available as your servant.  Lend us a moment of it each day and through your Silence give us opportunity.  The power of Silence is greater than you know.” (Paul Fletcher, Light Upon the Path: The Unpublished Writings of Wellesley Tudor Pole. Chalice Well Press, 2015, p 176).

Rawson died on the battlefield the next day. Twenty-three years later, in 1940, Wellesley Tudor Pole (WTP) mobilised Churchill, the King and the Parliament to support and use the Silent Minute as an effective “spiritual weapon” that played its role in the ending of the war.

Amidst the challenges we face today, we can humbly and in our hearts participate in the Global Silent Minute to provide opportunity for conscious cooperation with the now billions in incarnation and the billions on the other side of the veil.

The Global Silent Minute truly provides a portal for conscious cooperation, collaboration and communion between the worlds to create a better world for all.



The Global Silent Minute will be preceded by the ringing of bells to symbolically, energetically and actually remind us that we exist in a “Russian Doll” of bells.  From the Ancient Wisdom teachings, we know there is the Cosmic Bell at the centre of Universe; the planetary bell in the form of Mount Kailas in the Himalayas; and a centre within each and every one of us that is called the bell.

As the Cosmic Bell sounds and rings rhythmically throughout the Universe it rings through our planetary sphere through the Mountain of the Bell.  Mount Kailas is known as the external manifestation of its etheric counterpart, Mount Meru, the axis of the world, whose spine sub-stands the planet.  Mount Kailas crowns this axis in the Himalayas at the top of the world.

Mountains do move, albeit, often slowly. Yet vibrationally, everything moves – all the time. In the realm of time. The Mountain of the Bell rings, albeit it subtly – yet deeply – as it resonates in tune with the Cosmic Bell.  It rings this vibration through the planet, through all kingdoms of nature, and thus, through us.

As humanity rings a bell – whether in a church or a simple cowbell – on 21 December 2019 at 9.00pm GMT – it represents the external manifestation of the bell within us. As we consciously align our bell with the Mountain of the Bell, and in turn, the Cosmic Bell, we align with our true identity within Cosmos.

On 21 December 9pm GMT when we ring a bell, we do so with conscious awareness of our deep and real relationship within the Cosmos.

The Bell Rings Through Us

The Cosmic Bell sounds
Through the Mountain of the Bell
Summoning the human Bell to synthesis
Igniting the Fire in the Heart
To pulse in rhythm with the Fire of Space
The Bell rings through us.”  (see


When the Hierarchy suggests unification in silence, they say “somewhere something significant is taking place” and that this concentrated silence gathers a special energy called silence as action. The entire Hierarchy sometimes merges into profound silence when something of great importance is taking place. (adapted Supermundane, 139).

Something of great importance is happening on 21 December 2019 at 9pm GMT at the commencement of the Festival Week of the New Group of World Servers.

A portal

A window

A minute of shared Silence in concert, collaboration and communion

Across the Veils

A minute of Silence as Action

That will change this world

As Humanity embraces its true identity

Both sides of the Veil


The language of Silence is the language of the Heart.

As the momentum for the Global Silent Minute builds we realise that it’s magnetic precisely because it invites us all to participate in speaking its language – the language of the heart.

The initiative born and raised in a spirit of generosity has benefited from the gifts of spirit from so many friends, family, colleagues and communities.  Heartfelt gratitude to each and everyone of you who has opened a door to a connection, shared through your networks, translated a flyer, shared a bookmark, “liked” and shared on Facebook and so on.

There are three ways everyone can now help.



Firstly participate in the Global Silent Minute – from wherever you are at that moment on the planet calibrated to 9.00pm GMT on 21 December 2019.

In Australia, that exact times for states and territories for the Global Silent Minute are below. For other locations around the world, here is a time converter calculator to calibrate your local time to 21 December 9.00pm London GMT/UTC (

5:00am Western Australia
6:30am: Northern Territory
7:00am: Queensland
7:30am: South Australia
8:00am: ACT, NSW, Tasmania and Victoria


Secondly share information with your friends, family, colleagues and networks.

Currently advancing the initiative are a number of transformational industry leaders (Shift Network, Holistic Centers, Sri Sivanda Ashrams, World Goodwill NGO Network, Jon Ramer and SINE). His Holiness the Dalai Lama has endorsed the Global Silent Minute.

Below is a brief summary of the Global Silent Minute initiative that you may want to adapt in your sharing.  Also there are easy ways to share the event with others.


Direct people to the new Global Silent Minute website to download flyers, bookmarks, view clips etc

Facebook:  Join the Global Silent Minute Facebook group and share your enthusiasm and activities: and please use #globalsilentminute when posting. Regular updates are posted on this site.

Social Media Banners:  We would be grateful for whatever you are willing to do in terms of posts. If you would begin now and repost as often as you are willing to schedule up until and including 21 December, that would be great. Social Media banners available for download here.  Solstice Silent Minute Resources


Harness the Power of Cooperation

Pause for One Minute for One Humanity

On December 21/22 join in one minute of silence, the exact same minute everywhere around the globe and on both sides of the veil – to call for global cooperation, peace, and freedom.

Amidst the challenges we face today, the Global Silent Minute is an opportunity to unite in thought, prayer, and meditation to create the future we imagine. The minute begins with the ringing of bells everywhere, as together we enter into one silent minute, calling on humanity to fulfil its highest potential and greatest destiny: peace on Earth.

The Global Silent Minute is inspired by the Silent Minute launched in WWII in London during the blitz as a call to citizens to unite daily in a silent minute for peace and freedom. Millions participated, and its success was acknowledged after the war as a “secret weapon” which the Germans could not counter. Today, our Global Silent Minute will be a powerful force in the creation of a better world.

Ring the Bells and enter the Silence: Ring a bell at 9.00pm London GMT/UTC on 21 December 2019 and join together with the Forces of Light in one minute of global, potent, cooperative Silence to create a better world for all.


You might like to create a short clip on your phone and post on the Facebook page explaining why you’re participating in the Global Silent Minute OR how people are responding to the initiative and what they’re going to do OR record and share the bell you will use on the day.

And remember to use #globalsilentminute when you post on

About Sydney Goodwill Unit of Service

Sydney Goodwill works to enhance all serving souls to develop their service, and to distribute the Ageless Wisdom teachings to all who are searching.


  1. Heartfelt gratitude Sydney Goodwill for your consistent sharing of Global Silent Minute. The articles add depth and breadth to this initiative and the videos are beautiful. It is a joy to journey with you, in the Spirit of Peace, Dot

  2. Add me to the list please

  3. Would love to take part

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