While we might often use the word, “sharing”, many interpretations can constellate around what it means in essence. It is an apparently simple concept yet it has generated a vast complexity of systems, values and priorities that its essential impulse (or spark) may have become lost in the surface phantasmagoria of materiality. We see reported the market value of “shares” …
Read More »Immersion in a Realised State of Being
In this festive season when gatherings of family and friends seem to be the order of the day, how often are such meeting points arranged? It is that time, at the end of one year and the start of a new one, when we feel drawn together to share that moment of meeting between memory and anticipation, old and new, …
Read More »Destiny is our Friend
There seems to be an impetus to change moving through the world – a sort of pressure to move up to the next level of potential and possibility; to intuit and perceive more expansive goals that will guide our thought, energy and resources into a new civilisation, one that lives in interdependent awareness within the whole of the world, of …
Read More »Love the future and your wings will grow
There is always movement, growth, progress – even while we observe the decay of the familiar and the pull of entropy drawing all forms back into the reservoir of substance, at the same time everything is being remade in newer shapes for newer times. And our observation makes a difference. It initiates change and stimulates growth. According to a Wikipedia …
Read More »Dancing in the Stream of Life
Watching events across the globe, from our local community to the international stage, it appears our world is at a crucial point of balance, teetering a little, backwards and forwards, between the unreal and the real as though we are more consciously living out the ancient prayer: Lead us from Darkness into Light, from the Unreal to the Real, from …
Read More »Where is Heaven?
Some days are so bright with sunshine that one can’t help but feel joy bubbling up and dancing through one’s veins. And then we hear the news reports from around the world about the desperate troubles which still beset humanity in spite of all the progress we have made into enlightened living. Yet, amid all the horror of what is …
Read More »Like the Sun, a radiant heart unfolds beauty
Our compassion flows out to those suffering pain and terror amidst the conflicts that ravage so much of our planet. And while our hearts weep for those in pain and we work to bring aid to them, it is increasingly critical that hope be kept alive and be allowed to flower into those solutions that lead to the peaceful understanding …
Read More »Our Lighted Home
Though the words, house and home, are often used interchangeably there are subtle differences that register in our energy response. The word “home” seems to draw on a deeper realm of being and belonging. We might call “home” the house in which we dwell, or the city, state, country or any location which we imbue with a sense of home. …
Read More »The true Spiritual Sun hidden by a disc of Golden Light
As we progress through life, and memory lengthens with the years, we are able to plot the amazing growth and development of the human mind within our own living experience. We can track through our own lifetime the journey into these modern times where we live in a virtual sea of data and mental stimuli – still accelerating with the …
Read More »The Light of the Soul in All Things
As with many essential aspects of our daily lives, we take the presence of light for granted and perhaps only rarely look at it as the marvellous mystery it really is. It is as familiar as breathing but if we focus the searchlight of our mind on it, we may penetrate into just how vast that mystery is. An opportunity …
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