Wednesday , 12 February 2025
Next Events & Meetings

“New Earth” Hour

Please join us to focus on the new era as it emerges through our world.

Every month on a Friday close to the New Moon, friends and co-workers take time out to envision the new era.  Our next focus is on

Friday 31st January 2025 at 6 pm AEDT.

There is no physical plane meeting – instead we invite you, wherever you may be, to join us in visualizing the emerging New World.

Our intention is to go beyond what is breaking down, in order to see and envision what is rising up – being created anew. It can already be apprehended wherever human hearts are opening to one another, to our world and to all that embodies that great Life.

Visualisation Exercise

If you would like to participate in the visioning process from your location, please download New Earth hour – Visualization Exercise – 2025 for a copy of the visualization exercise; or visit the webpage

We’d love to hear of any impressions you may have too!  Just  leave a comment in the Comment space below or email us.

May we together realize into expression the emergence of the divine Plan for our world:

“The plan as at present sensed, and for which the Masters are steadily working, might be defined as follows:—It is the production of a subjective synthesis in humanity and of a telepathic interplay which will eventually annihilate time.  It will make available to every man all past achievements and knowledges, it will reveal to man the true significance of his mind and brain and make him the master of that equipment and will make him therefore omnipresent and eventually open the door to omniscience.  This next development of the plan will produce in man an understanding —intelligent and cooperative—of the divine purpose for which the One in Whom we live and move and have our being has deemed it wise to submit to incarnation.”                                                                                                          [A Treatise on White Magic, page 403] 


About Judy

Hi, I'm one of a group of authors and editors for the Sydney Goodwill website.


  1. Always so nurturing Judy. I will be at the SSO Concert Saturday. Are you there by any chance?

    Bless you for all you do.

    • mm

      Wonderful to hear from you, dear Jane.
      It seems we are destined to just miss each other – I will be interstate.
      I know you will enjoy the concert –
      With you in spirit always,

  2. Dear Friend,
    I am interested in seeing the visualisation format for the new earth hour group work, and joining to work in group formation for the good of the whole.

    We are one who choose to utilise the Great Invocation in its original form as given by DK, as each word is a power source – and inclusive within reincarnation framework.

    Yours in joyful service,

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